Recently in Humor Category

February 28, 2009

Everything is Amazing, Nobody is Happy

People should watch this once a week.

February 18, 2009

Jenny scoops WSJ!

Here is a recent Wall Street Journal article titled "Internet Killed the Video Star" which makes the point that "Straws in the wind in recent weeks suggest that the recession may be accelerating a structural change toward free or low-cost Web video -- either television or movies -- and away from traditional delivery methods, such as cable TV or DVDs." You can read the whole thing, I guess... if you want to. OR, you can just watch this video my sister Jenny and the Whatever girls made ALMOST 2 YEARS AGO which which is much more fun...

May 11, 2008


A much belated, but deserved, post.

March 5, 2008

Things Even Out

Deeply grateful for a tweet from on how things even out. Made my night. See, I've been pretty nice to Dick when I see him -- I smile and say "how are you?" and all that -- so finally he's done something for me. Things DO even out. My favorite part (but worth reading the whole thing):

Probably the perfect example of things evening out happened to me just last month. I was walking to the post office to mail a death threat. It was a beautiful day. I was happily singing away in my super-loud singing voice. I didn't step on any chewing gum, like I usually do, and when I threw my gum down it didn't stick to my fingertips. As I rounded the corner, there was a bum begging for change. I was feeling pretty good, so I gave him a five-dollar bill. At first I tried to make him do a little dance for the five dollars, but he wouldn't do it, so I gave him the five dollars anyway.

Not long after that, I was reading the paper, and there was a picture of the bum. He had won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry! He had a little bigger nose and straighter teeth, but I'm pretty sure it was him. So, my five dollars had made him change his ways and become a chemistry guy.

May 14, 2006

How many viewers even noticed?

This has to be the funniest thing I've seen in a while. From The Mail, via a case of mistaken identity:

With the seconds ticking down to a studio discussion about a court case involving Apple Computer and The Beatles' record label, a floor manager had run to reception and grabbed the man, thinking he was Guy Kewney, editor of, a specialist internet publication.

Actually, he was a minicab driver who had been waiting to drive Mr Kewney home.

Imagine what's going on through this guy's mind as he's being introduced -- that series of expressions is priceless.

Now imagine what is going on through Guy Kewney's mind as he watches it from the reception area.

And finally, imagine what was going through the minds of most of the viewers -- probably nothing. Since they weren't in on the joke, I bet most folks just took it in stride, being used to content-free interviews like this. The BBC gave about a minute and a half, and just three questions, to an "expert" to discuss the nuances of this legal case. How much more insightful could the real Guy have been in that time?

May 9, 2006

Evolution of Dance

January 1, 2006

Lazy Sunday

April 1, 2005


Ha! Sixfoo! 660° - Home

My favorite: "Orkut: I AM NOT IRRELEVANT. Please, please, somebody come over and be my fan. I'll give you a free Gmail invite AND a free Blogger invite. Anything."

August 6, 2004

Freedom World Tour

July 26, 2004

This Land: very funny

In case you haven't seen this from already--it's worth the time.

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