December 2004 Archives

December 29, 2004

Blogs to the rescue

It's amazing what blogs can do for a crisis such as the tsunami. It will be interesting to assess the role blogs will have played in helping this disaster.

Kids focus group on old video games

This is hilarious... and sad. If you were like me, and remember being mesmerized by the likes of Pong, Space Invaders, and PacMan this will have you in tears--and make you feel old. While I feel totally intimidated by the chaos and complexity of today's video games, kids today are utterly bored by the video games of yesteryear. My favorite line: "I'd sooner jump up and down on one foot." But the whole thing is worth readng. And see this year's edition.

December 21, 2004

The future of media

Interesting video on the future of media. Some fun predictions, but of course the big shortcoming in this video is that it assumes that the dominant companies of the next decade will all be companies that were formed or got into media in the last decade. While it's fun to think of the Google Grid, NewsBotster or GoogleZon, I suspect that new entrants will play a bigger role than is represented here (an easy prediction because this video doesn't hypothesize ANY new company.)

I also think the paranoia about GoogleZon's hegemony is overblown, and personally feel that hegemony of this sort is impossible. Also, I also suspect that traditional media won't be as slow to act as is suggested here, but we'll see. But this is fun to debate.

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